Iam so fucking sick and tired of hearing about this shitty bill, Every fucking where i see, "OH sign this petition, or HELP save the net" Every fucking time i see it i just get depressed and wonder If my time as an NSFW is up in the near future, people keep showing me this and yet NO-ONE is doing shit about it. Iam tired, Im drawing NSFW till they come to my house and pry my pen away from my cold dead body, I would rather die then live in a world completely deprived of porn and free creativity.
I have to agree. Its incredibly tiring hearing about it, especially when things have been so incredibly vague. I doubt it will be the end of things as we know it, but I bet that things on existing social media sites will become a lot harder for everyone. Not sure about how things will go for places like this though, hopefully it'll fare better here than other places.
I hope things go well here as well.